"Both our company and its business are sound, but we have no choice but to give up due to the lack of a successor."
We have heard many such lamentations from the owners of small- and medium-sized businesses throughout Japan.

Our sense of mission and strong determination to do something about this issue facing Japanese society is what gave birth to M&A Plus.

The thought of M&A Plus

We have had many company executives, mainly ones who are active outside Japan's big cities, tell us how they would like to consider an M&A as a solution to the issue of a lack of successors, but do not know who to consult with. Meanwhile, M&A experts* from all over Japan have told us how they would like to know more about the M&A needs of companies in other prefectures.

The Deloitte Tohmatsu Group has launched M&A matching platform M&A Plus in cooperation with financial institutions, lawyers, certified public accountants, tax accountants and M&A experts across the country. Drawing on a wealth of information, M&A Plus will help you complete your M&A in a fair, quick and reasonable fashion.

*Means experts providing M&A support; refers mainly to financial institutions, law firms, accounting firms, and M&A-specialized companies. Referred to as "FAs" below.

※1:M&A It refers to experts who support projects, who work for financial institutions, law firms, accounting firms, M&A specialized companies, etc. Hereinafter, it is expressed as FA.

The 3 benefits for executives
considering a sale


Keep the company going

An M&A is one way to solve the issue of succession and keep the company going.


Earn more income than
by closing the business

Compared to liquidation, there are cases in which an M&A results in more income for the seller.


Remove uncertainty about the future and maintain relationships with business counterparts

Executives often feel a vague uncertainty about the future. A successful M&A removes the executive's joint liability. Relationships with business counterparts can also be maintained.

The 3 benefits for companies
considering a purchase


Speed up the growth of the existing business

Bringing in new knowhow and resources from the outside can become the basis for dramatic growth.


Reduce entry-related risks

When entering a new business area, incorporating a company with experience in that area can help reduce entry-related risks.


Create synergy benefits

An M&A can, for example, improve a company's ability to negotiate with suppliers, reduce unit prices, and eliminate redundant purchasing functions. Synergy benefits, such as the acquisition of new distribution channels, can also be expected.

Differences between M & A Plus and other companies' services

Terms of registration Matching Process management Fair M&A transactions
Other companies No examination ×
M&A Plus Membership examination required

Membership requirements: before registration, the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group conducts rigorous applicant screening, only allowing trustworthy members to join.

Matching: When a match is made and both the seller and buyer's FAs determine that the match merits negotiations, approval will be sought from the seller and buyer.

Process management: When the seller and buyer have agreed to negotiations, the M&A process will be visualized on the system until the transaction is completed.

Fair transactions: One Financial Advisor (FA) is always appointed to each case and take responsibility for avoid placing sellers/buyers at a disadvantage in relation to M&A transactions, and promote fair M&As.